Stop Living in Chronic Pain:

Discover Myofascial Wellness by Jane

  • Are you tired of suffering from chronic, debilitating stiffness and pain that feels as if you are living in a straight-jacket?
  • Have you tried everything – treatments from doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, herbologists, and massage therapists, praying that you could finally live pain-free but don’t?
  • Are you frustrated because no one has pinpointed the root of your pain?

If you are saying to yourself “that’s me” you are far from alone. Over 90% of Jane’s patients had experienced similar frustrations.

“As a body worker and massage therapist for 22 years, I use the  Myofascial Release Approach to help you achieve better and longer lasting pain free outcomes. ” 

Experience a 60 Minute MFR Sample

Find Out What Myofascial Release Therapy Can Do For You!

Your Fascia & Why Your Chronic Pain Isn’t Diagnosed

Your myofascial tissues (myo is the muscles and fascia, and the connective tissue) are a network of multi-layer, from thick to microscopic connective tissues that connect your muscles, joints, and bones and support your organs by helping them stay in place.

The myofascial system is a continuous, 3-dimensional web that runs from the top of the head to the bottom of your feet.  Think of your fascial as your body’s internet, it conducts messages of healing throughout your body at the speed of light, far faster than your nerves can conduct electrical messages. 

When an incoming force hits the body, your fascia dehydrates and shrinks producing extreme tightness that many refer to as “feeling as if you are in a straight jacket”. 

Unfortunately, myofascial restrictions are usually undiagnosed and become chronic because most standard tests such as X-Rays, MRIs, or CT scans cannot detect them.  If left untreated for any length of time, these restrictions can develop into unnecessary secondary problems with joints and organs.

Myofascial Release Therapy

Myo what? Myofascial (my-o-FASH-e-ul) Release Therapy is a highly specialized body work technique that gets to the root of the pain and relieves many chronic pain problems including Carpel Tunnel, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sports Injuries, Sciatica, Fibromyalgia, Back and Neck, Chronic pain, foot, ankle and knee pain, Golfers’ as well as Tennis elbow, Headaches/Migraine, TMJ Tension/Stress, Frozen Shoulder, Edema, Anxiety, Depression and PTS.

In 1999, after receiving a Master’s in Social Work, Jane went back to school for a certificate in Massage Therapy.  In 2010 Jane started her training with John F. Barnes, a world-renowned pioneer of the Myofascial Release Approach. In 2021 she reached the Expert Level and continues to study under John Barnes. Over the last 23 years, Jane has helped hundreds of chronic pain sufferers— from all walks of life— feel better than they had in years.

The JFBMFR approach uses gentle sustained pressure to areas of fascial restriction (throughout the body) for a period of time long enough to create a complete and lasting release of the tissues.

Conditions that many have experienced the benefit of reducing or eliminating:

Carpal Tunnel
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Sports Injuries
Back and or Neck Pain
Chronic pain
Headaches /Migraines
Restriction of motion
Tension / Stress
Frozen Shoulder
Recovery Lyme Disease
Prevention of Edema
Anxiety, Depression, PTS

I’d Love to Help

My Approach & Philosophy


As luck would have it, while going through physical therapy prior to having an Anterior/Posterior Cervical Decompression and Fusion  (in short, cervical spine surgery),  I discovered a lump in my breast!  Naturally, I had to put the spine surgery on hold until I dealt with the Breast Cancer. I am happy to say that I am a breast cancer survivor of 21 years.  I was advised that I should have both Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy which I did.  Unfortunately, I sustained some severe radiation damage which resulted in the loss of my implant and any remaining tissue and muscle that I had on the side that was radiated. It left me with an open wound about 4″ x 4″.  It revealed my rib cage.  For the next two years, my wound was packed with gauze and acetic acid to keep bacteria out of the wound while the doctors were trying to close the hole.

In 2007, seven surgeries later, including a latissimus dorsi flap, a second reconstruction and cervical spine surgery, resulting in a titanium “cage” in my neck, I found myself in constant pain, discomfort and with embarrassingly poor posture.  I felt like some constriction within me was pulling my upper body more and more into a fetal position.  My daughter recommended Myofascial Release therapy.  Searching online for a Myofascial Therapist, I found “Wellness by Jane”.  Since my daughter is a holistic nutritionist, and familiar with Myofascial Release I had her check out Jane’s website.  She suggested that I contact Jane not only because of her years of experience, but also, particularly, because Jane was trained by, and studied under, John F. Barnes, the Physical Therapist, who developed Myofascial Release.

What an incredible difference it has made in my life !  I just had my 7th visit with Jane and, weeks before this session, I was relieved of the pain from the constricted areas wherein I was most bothered.  My posture is markedly changed, as is evidenced by not only myself but also by those around me who have mentioned it in general conversation.  Range of motion in my neck and shoulders is incredible.  Years ago, during regular physical therapy, at Fox Chase Center Center, we realized that radiation damage had left me in a situation where either standing against a wall, or lying on the floor neither my left shoulder nor my elbow could touch the wall or the floor.  Just discovered last week that that is no longer the case !  

Life used to be a daily struggle with constriction and pain. Not any more.  Thus, I have more energy to live life fuller, with less restriction or difficulty.  I know from years of ‘dealing with it‘ that this would not be possible without Jane’s expertise and Myofascial Release.  I highly recommend that you do yourself a favor and experience this life changing therapy !

I sought out Jane after beginning physical therapy for repeated dislocations/subluxations of my collar bone and first rib. My PT recommended myofascial release as something she thought might support my other modalities of therapy (including pilates and chiropractic work).

Having recently been diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos, I have been desperately trying to navigate the world of finding practitioners that could support me and it’s not been simple. After reaching out to Jane, she was able to get me in within a week or so. I gave her my complete history – which helped support her approach with me. I have now gone to see her a few times, and each time I am fascinated by the ‘relatively simple’ aka not invasive approach to her work on me and how it triggers places around my body to respond to her intentional and precise pressure.

The last time I lay there I kept thinking why it isn’t that more western medical practitioners don’t refer patients to myofascial therapists.

Having had many surgeries and injuries on my body, it would make sense that there would be fascia that is stuck pulling on all sorts of other parts of my anatomy. So much medicine ignores this and overlooks the logic behind the myofascial release as a supportive therapy to improving your function. I have struck gold.

Between Jane and my physical therapist I have now not had a dislocation in weeks, I am already feeling stronger and more aligned. I am so very grateful for finding her, and highly recommend the therapy to anyone for a variety of pains, ailments, misalignments. It has been an awakening for me.

Get In Touch

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The Abington Club
300 Meetinghouse Road
Jenkintown, PA 19046



by appointment